The idea was that everyone still has to produce the same amount of work. You still have to tick off all the boxes. X still needs to be done by the end of the day. But if you get it done by the end of the day, which is 1 p.m., then go to an art gallery. Go draw inspiration from something else. As long as we produce, as long as we continue to produce good quality work, maintain the relationships with our clients, maintain long term relations with our clients, I don’t care. As long as the client’s happy and we’re happy with our work, those are the only two things that matter.
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- is_single_v1This month on Things That Go Boom, we’re passing the mic to three veterans to share their memories in their words. In this first entry: When paratrooper Bill Glose came home from the Gulf War after leading his platoon, silence was his fortress. That all changed when a friend told him to start writing poetry.[...]
Tom Hashemi
The idea was that everyone still has to produce the same amount of work. You still have to tick off all the boxes. X still needs to be done by the end of the day. But if you get it done by the end of the day, which is 1 p.m., then go to an art gallery. Go draw inspiration from something else. As long as we produce, as long as we continue to produce good quality work, maintain the relationships with our clients, maintain long term relations with our clients, I don't care. As long as the client’s happy and we're happy with our work, those are the only two things that matter.
Words: Laicie Heeley