Been playing the guitar since I was young… early teenager. I played the bass and the drums as a kid. I actually started off learning the french horn. And then I learned the saxophone. I was pretty good at the saxophone. Saxophone was like a school instrument that my mom made me learn. Bass and drums were what I wanted to play because they were rock. And then my mum had an acoustic, so I used to play the acoustic now and then. My mom was a professional musician – she wasn’t heavy metal, I was – she was very classical music.
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Tom Hashemi
Been playing the guitar since I was young… early teenager. I played the bass and the drums as a kid. I actually started off learning the french horn. And then I learned the saxophone. I was pretty good at the saxophone. Saxophone was like a school instrument that my mom made me learn. Bass and drums were what I wanted to play because they were rock. And then my mum had an acoustic, so I used to play the acoustic now and then. My mom was a professional musician – she wasn’t heavy metal, I was – she was very classical music.
Words: Laicie Heeley