You need to imbue [a lot of terms, Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal…] with a certain a certain amount of elasticity so that they can adapt as circumstances evolve and time passes. But a term that is infinitely malleable and infinitely elastic then collapses under its own weight and a term that tries to encompass so many meanings ultimately has no meaning.
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- is_single_v1One night In 1968, Ed Meagher was finishing his last shift at Clark Airways, which included authenticating and repeating messages for the nuclear-armed B-52 fleet in Southeast Asia. Then his phone lines started dinging, with signal after signal — and he couldn’t figure out why none were a match. This monologue is the second in[...]
ali wyne rand foreign policy analyst
You need to imbue [a lot of terms, Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal…] with a certain a certain amount of elasticity so that they can adapt as circumstances evolve and time passes. But a term that is infinitely malleable and infinitely elastic then collapses under its own weight and a term that tries to encompass so many meanings ultimately has no meaning.
Words: Laicie Heeley