The concept behind We are Flint was that we would light a fire under brave ideas. For the last 12 months we’ve felt that that wasn’t the right foundation. It is not enough to light a fire under a pre-formed idea and then expect it to spread on its own. This is a common issue we see many think tanks and research-focused organizations grappling with. Often, ideas only get to the communications team when they are to be put out into the world. At which point, they’re often already in the wrong form for their purpose.
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- is_single_v1Dave HuntAmy Cooter has been studying US militias since 2008 when, as a graduate student in Michigan, she attended a public meeting of a group that was thought to be a cover for an underground neo-Nazi movement. As it turned out, that assumption was wrong. It was then that Amy realized this militia movement she encountered[...]
Tom Hashemi
The concept behind We are Flint was that we would light a fire under brave ideas. For the last 12 months we’ve felt that that wasn’t the right foundation. It is not enough to light a fire under a pre-formed idea and then expect it to spread on its own. This is a common issue we see many think tanks and research-focused organizations grappling with. Often, ideas only get to the communications team when they are to be put out into the world. At which point, they’re often already in the wrong form for their purpose.
Words: Laicie Heeley