Anastasiya Blyshchyk installs a sign in honor of fiancé Oleksandr Makhov on Makhov Street in Kyiv in November 2022. Photo provided by Blyshchyk.
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- is_single_v1Glen BledsoeNearly everyone has played dress up at some point in their lives, whether putting on mom or dad’s clothes as kids, for Halloween, as their favorite Marvel character at ComicCon… or even, maybe, as a Civil War soldier. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where historians say Civil War casualties were highest, attracts many reenactors. They carry their muskets,[...]
Kyiv, Oleksandr Makhov street, nov 22, Anastasiya is installing a sign in honor of the street name
Blyshchyk installs a sign in honor of fiancé Makhov on Makhov Street in Kyiv in November 2022.
Words: Sahar Khan