2020 has been a scary year. In an effort to get to the root of why we’re all feeling the way we are, the first thing we did was something we probably should have done a long time ago… we reached out to a psychiatrist. We also asked all of you — our listeners, our friends, our family — to tell us the answer to what might seem like a pretty simple question: How safe do you feel? But the answers didn’t feel simple at all.
GUESTS: Arash Javanbakht, MD; Bunmi Akinnusotu, Host of What in the World?; You guys!
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Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals, Carol Cohn.
The Politics of Fear: How Fear Goes Tribal, Allowing Us To Be Manipulated, Arash Javanbakht.
When Mask-Wearing Rules in the 1918 Pandemic Faced Resistance, Becky Little.
As the 1918 Flu Emerged, Cover-Up and Denial Helped It Spread, Becky Little.