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ambassador bonnie jenkins national security international security foreign policy disarmament nonproliferation nuclear weapons arms control

People have always asked me, how has your military experience helped you. And, my military experience combined with having been an ambassador has been really helpful for me in terms of leadership and not being afraid to take chances. As an ambassador I had to do a lot of things on my own – arrange these international meetings and speak at international conferences, a lot of times I did my own talking points, though I had great help, there were times at the last minute where I had to do things – and this was all good training. It was good training for running an organization… I don’t care how it’s going to get done; it’s going to get done. No excuses.

Words: Laicie Heeley

People have always asked me, how has your military experience helped you. And, my military experience combined with having been an ambassador has been really helpful for me in terms of leadership and not being afraid to take chances. As an ambassador I had to do a lot of things on my own – arrange these international meetings and speak at international conferences, a lot of times I did my own talking points, though I had great help, there were times at the last minute where I had to do things – and this was all good training. It was good training for running an organization… I don’t care how it’s going to get done; it’s going to get done. No excuses.