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I don't necessarily know that people in the think tank world and in DC more generally are really equipped to do that, and have really thought too much about whether it's important to reach a broader universe of people... what their audiences look like, what they consist of, what their interests are, and I do think that thinking about how someone who doesn't think about these issues every day, how they will consume a piece of news or a piece of analysis, is a really important skill.

Words: Laicie Heeley

I don’t necessarily know that people in the think tank world and in DC more generally are really equipped to do that, and have really thought too much about whether it’s important to reach a broader universe of people… what their audiences look like, what they consist of, what their interests are, and I do think that thinking about how someone who doesn’t think about these issues every day, how they will consume a piece of news or a piece of analysis, is a really important skill.